Percy E. Cowen: My Own Dearest Jane

Percy E. Cowen: My Own Dearest Jane

With artwork appearing in Putnam’s and Harper’s magazines and on the cover of Adventure Percy Cowen (1883-1923) was already an accomplished illustrator when he was sent overseas to serve in World War I. While at war, he wrote to his wife, Jane Look Cowen, at home on Martha’s Vineyard. Passed by the censors, but still illuminating, these letters were filled with drawings of Percy’s experiences. After his discharge from the army, Cowen returned to the Vineyard and resumed his career, with work appearing in Collier’s and Metropolitan Magazine, but he only lived for a few more years, dying of cancer in 1923. This exhibition features Cowen’s correspondence, as well as his paintings and original illustrations for popular magazines of the day. Visitors are encouraged to ponder the question: If Cowen had lived longer, what could he have achieved?

Exhibit photos by Ray Ewing


From March 2, 2024
To May 26, 2024
Location The Grain Family Gallery
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