The Charles W. Morgan – The Last Wooden Whaleship in the World

The Charles W. Morgan – The Last Wooden Whaleship in the World

Come enjoy an enlightening talk with Matthew Stackpole, historian and key figure in the restoration of the Charles W. Morgan, the world’s last wooden whaleship. Having grown up at Mystic Seaport, and with extensive experience both at sea and in education, Stackpole brings a wealth of knowledge and personal anecdotes. The evening will feature a brief overview of Martha’s Vineyard’s significant contributions to American whaling, followed by screenings of two documentaries: the PBS special “The Charles W. Morgan: America’s Last Wooden Whaleship” and a film on its notable 2014 voyage post-restoration. The event will conclude with a Q&A session, offering a unique opportunity to dive deeper into this fascinating slice of maritime history.

MVM Members: $15; Non-Members: $25.


Date July 28, 2024
From 4:00 pm
To 5:30 pm
Type Talk
Venue Martha’s Vineyard Museum
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